Gallery: Every step in the quest to unlock the Zandalari as an Allied Race in 8.1.5 (Spoilers!)
In patch 8.5.1, Horde players will finally be able to unlock the Zandalari as an Allied Race -- here's how to make that happen.
Everything we know about Rastakhan’s Rumble, the next Hearthstone expansion
Hearthstone has, at long last, its Troll expansion.
Patch 8.1 spoilers show players investigating why Vol’jin named Sylvanas Warchief
Ever since the surprising turn of events that led Vol'jin to name Sylvanas Warchief, many have been wondering what the heck the Loa who whispered her name was thinking.
Know Your Lore: G’huun and the ruins of Nazmir
It can be fairly said that the Zandalari have endured for many thousands of years, and that in all that time, much of their history has been forgotten.
Datamined Battle for Azeroth cutscenes showcase Jaina’s power and Zul’s threat
Know Your Lore: The Zandalari in the modern world
The Zandalari were the first Troll empire to rise.
Know Your Lore: Warchief Vol’jin
Warchief Vol'jin is an interesting anomaly in Warcraft lore -- he leads the Horde, an organization originally formed by Thrall with its roots firmly embedded in Orc society, yet he's a Troll.