Max Level
How much do you remember hitting the level cap?
Finally reaching the highest level possible on a World of Warcraft character is not the end of the journey -- more like the beginning of another chapter.
How much work do you think it should be to reach max level in a game?
Honestly, my upward progress in Diablo 4 has hit a stretch I'd describe as “excruciating,” except that I feel that's not really strong enough.
How are you handling Shadowlands’ overwhelming amount of max-level content?
One problem I have with Shadowlands is that there's a lot to do at max level, and it's kind of daunting.
Level squish is coming in WoW’s next expansion, Shadowlands: new level cap is 60
In the next World of Warcraft expansion, Shadowlands, we'll finally be getting the level squish that has been talked about for so long.
What are your priorities when you hit max level?
I feel like hitting 110 was a lot less confusing than hitting level 120.
What to do at level 100
The path from level 1 to level 100 is pretty clearly laid out before you: kill things, gain experience, level up, repeat. However, once you hit level 100 what you do next is really up to you — which can leave new 100s at a bit of a loss.