Patch 7.3
New Validated Doomsayers return to pester us in patch 7.3
They've been coming around since Cataclysm and they're not done yet -- our friends the Doomsayers have taken a level in Validation.
Patch 7.3 brings Violet Spellwing, other mounts, pets, and transmog items
Patch 7.3 has a lot of new stuff coming that players would likely be interested in -- new mounts, pets, and even a few items for transmog hunters.
Weekly world boss rotation won’t be random in 7.3
In patch 7.3, the world boss rotation will finally be on a set rotation.
Patch 7.3 Elemental Shaman changes raise Mastery cap, buff Earthquake
As PTR testing for Patch 7.3 continues, focus has turned to a few class changes.
Everything that’s new in the latest 7.3 build
Another PTR build for patch 7.3 is here yet again.
Patch 7.3 voice files reveal story spoilers and more
Guys, this is another of those posts where I warn you that if you read -- or, in this case, listen -- any further, you're going to get spoiled for patch 7.3.
Are we going to have a year of patch 7.3?
Without going into spoilers, it looks to me like patch 7.3 is going to have some fairly robust systems that will take a while to exhaust, such as the Netherlight Crucible and Relic Customization.
Frost Death Knight Breath of Sindragosa build changing in patch 7.3
I don't play Frost very much on my Death Knight, and part of that is because of the raw dominance of Breath of Sindragosa, which requires you to collect certain Legendaries to maximize the build.
Patch 7.3 Argus zone previews show off Mac’Aree and Krokuun
Its no secret that I'm ludicrously excited to see the folks at Wowhead putting up new information about patch 7.3, and these zone preview videos they did for Krokuun and Mac'Aree are no exception.
Patch 7.3 takes us to Mac’Aree
Beware: there are spoilers in this post!