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Patch 8.2.5

What would a Durotar Warfront be like?

As with all things datamined, here come the disclaimers -- this is datamined content from the patch 8.2.5 PTR (courtesy of the folks at Wowhead), it may not go live, it may not even be intended to go live, the fact that the map is from Siege of Orgrimmar could in fact be a bit of the developers at Blizzard having some fun with the dataminers and those of us who leap on the latest news and breathily tell you all about it, and so on.

The Queue: Baby Shark

We’re over a month into summer vacation now. My children are feral, living on scavenged freeze pops and peanut butter toast. The entire house is covered in a thin layer of sand. Baby Shark has been on repeat so long I hear it even when it’s not on. We’re about 2 weeks away from turning into Thunderdome. In the distance, sirens.

This is The Queue and right now, it’s a brief respite. Too, too brief.

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