Pet Battle
Pet Battle Bonus Weekend: What you need to know
This weekend (from today through Monday) is the first pet battle bonus weekend in WoW and it offers a lot for all types of pet battlers.
Beginning to battle the Celestial Tournament
Pandaria may be in the rear view mirror, but there's one place that still shifts through time and space, unaffected by the events of Warlords of Draenor.
Pet Battle PVP tips and why you should give it a try
We've already discussed how to build a team for PVE a bit, but that process is centered mostly around countering the opponent you know is waiting for you when you begin the fight.
New battle pets in patch 6.2 and where to find them
There are a lot of new battle pets headed our way for patch 6.2. We've covered them in shorter posts as they were discovered, but now that 6.2 is imminent, here's a full list of all the new pets coming your way and how you can get your own.
Draenor battle pets you may have missed
This point is usually the time when I take a minute to sit back and fill all the gaps in my battle pet collection. While there are many Draenor battle pets that are rather obvious grabs while you're out exploring, there are some that aren't quite as easy to stumble across. Here are a few pets you may have missed.
Erris and Kura pet battle XP nerfed
When the Menagerie's pet XP yield was nerfed in patch 6.1, new traveling NPCs Erris and Kura began visiting our garrisons as a consolation XP boost. Now even that cold comfort has been taken away, due to an exploit.