Playable Races
How Mordenkainen’s Monsters of the Multiverse is revising D&D races
Sure, Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse is a monster book -- it's right there in the title -- but it also serves as an one-stop collection and update for a host of playable races from previous Dungeons and Dragons sources, and it does a lot more than simply republish them.
Mechagnomes can dance! But they probably won’t be playable
In another episode of Blizzard teasing us with things we probably can't have, dances have been added to the new Mechagnome race that we encounter on Mechagon Island.
Know Your Lore: Could Tuskarr be an Allied Race?
Way back in October of last year, we did a brief series on potential playable races in whatever the upcoming expansion happened to be.
Know Your Lore: The Vrykul — a new playable race?
When looking at likely prospects for new playable races next expansion, it’s impossible to ignore the Vrykul.
Know Your Lore: The Ethereals, a playable race?
Last week, we took a look at a race that took center stage for a chunk of the latest expansion.
Know Your Lore: The Shal’dorei, a playable race?
In between all fighting all the demonic forces the Legion has to offer, there are hints to be found at what might be coming next. The most logical of these? A new player race we’re now intimately familiar with – the Shal’dorei.
What WoW race would you like to see featured next?
This is kind of a hard question to answer because we have so many races in World of Warcraft but it's fairly safe to say that Legion deals a lot with Elven history, there's an entire zone dedicated to Tauren lore, Stormheim is a fairly strong piece of Vrykul story...
Breakfast Topic: I want playable Ogres
There's a lot more to Ogres than I originally thought when I first ran across the Gordok in Dire Maul.