The Queue: I’d like to be a pirate
Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!
You know I really like the way the Shipyard looks, but I kind of wish you could actually go into the ships and mess around. As it is, you can climb on top of them, but there’s no way to get into the interior that I can see. Unless I’m missing a door that isn’t sealed off. I sort of wish they’d opened them up, added some crew below quests, maybe a few little quests that gave you a reason to be down there. As it stands, it’s kind of like that not-quite-hideous vase that your great aunt gives you, the one you have to stick in the living room because it was a gift and it’d be rude not to, but it doesn’t serve any kind of real purpose beyond being something to stare at.
The Queue: I hate Birchus
I used to be fairly indifferent to Birchus, even though he stomped around my garrison, often deciding to park himself on top of my garrison cache. He added some color to the place, even if he did sometimes get in the way of other things.
But now after reading all of yesterday’s Queue comments, I’ve had enough. Down with Birchus and with discussion of Birchus. All trees and tree-related subjects are banned from today’s Queue. We will speak no more of it.
The Queue: Go away, Birchus
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
The Queue: Alternate universes, strange portals, and other Warlordsy topics
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
The Queue: Don’t blink
Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!
Sometimes I forget about the visual value of looking up every now and again. And sometimes I forget just how massive the Dark Portal really is in Outland — and that there’s a giant stone dragon head just kind of looming over the edge and keeping a baleful eye on every person that comes trotting through the thing. This is your reminder to turn your camera straight up every once in awhile, whether indoors or out, because sometimes what’s up there is really, really cool. Or creepy. Take your pick!
The Queue: The worst map ever
Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!
Either trolls are just really, really bad at cartography, or Lower Blackrock Spire is even more convoluted and confusing to run than you’d expect at first glance. But I do love the dungeon — there’s something about multi-level dungeons where you can stand up high and see mobs way down below that is visually appealing to me, and gives the place a sense of being way more massive than it really is.
The Queue: Another beautiful day in Azeroth
It’s just another perfect day in Azeroth. Nothing remotely strange happening here. Nope. Nothing at all.
Let’s get on to today’s Queue questions, shall we?
The Queue: Doping in esports
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
Today we discuss when we’ll be able to fly, sequels to the Warcraft movie, doping in esports, and more.
The Queue: Monday funday
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
Today’s another post-weekend short’un. Be sure to ask any pressing questions you might have! You need answers, we need questions.
The Queue: All tuckered out
Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!
Poor sleeping orc peon. He’s had a long day of standing in one spot and making sure only the right people walk through the gate. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. You know what isn’t a hard job? Answering questions — so why don’t we just get to the business of doing that?