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Warlords Of Draenor

The Queue: Pajamathur is the best

Wondering about the header image? I’ve got nothing to say beyond that headline. We didn’t even have any Heroes of the Storm questions today, but one fact is indisputable: Pajamathur is the best. There’s just no arguing with this sleepy Zerg cutie.

In fact, I think even myself and Mitch agree on this one, and we disagree on basically everything else. But what are we doing sitting around here arguing about what is an obvious fact? Mitch and I are here to tag-team your questions, so let’s get to it.

Breakfast Topic: The play’s the thing

“...wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.” Shakespearean quotes about angsty princes, murderous relatives and pensive ghosts aside, I’ve recently been reflecting on the fact that when we say goodbye to this expansion, we’ll also be saying goodbye to a large number of plotlines and stories that took place in Draenor.

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