WoW Secrets
How do you feel about secrets being discovered during beta?
World of Warcraft has changed a lot over the years.
Battle for Azeroth has a secret Titan vault in Dustwallow, but we have no idea why
Of all the major updates being implemented in Battle for Azeroth, there are very few that escape the scrutinous eyes of dataminers.
WoW Cultists are channeling again. But it’s probably nothing. But maybe it’s something.
Twice now, we've been teased by the Broken Shore's Xorothian Cultists.
Blizzard on the Lucid Nightmare and what could’ve been better about the Endless Halls
It's pretty likely that you've heard of the Lucid Nightmare mount.
WoW Secrets Discord and Petopia community discover Panthara pet taming
It only took less than four whole days for the Petopia and secret-finding communities to figure out the way to tame the new Panthara pets.
WoW secret-finding Discord uncovers secret behind the Sun Darter Hatchling
Patch 7.2.5 has only been out for a few days, but that hasn't stopped the secret-hunting community from spinning on all cylinders in search of its secrets.