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Discussion > Heroes of the StormAug 18, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: How do you spend your Heroes gold?

It’s fairly easy to accumulate gold in Heroes of the Storm. Win matches, complete daily quests, leveling new heroes to 5, and leveling your account will all add to your hoard of coins. The real question is, do you sit on your gold like Smaug under the Lonely Mountain, spend freely like a drunken dwarf, or something in between?

A quick poll of Blizzard Watch writers over this weekend brought up a variety of tactics to get the most bang out of their gold buck. While most hoard gold for those shiny (and expensive) new heroes that keep coming down the pike every 3-4 weeks, our beloved Editor in chief likes to buy the cheap ones to have as many heroes in his stable as possible. Anna Bell, our WoW Pet Battle and Heroes expert, buys strategically to make sure she has toons covering every available game/role combination to easily stack her daily quests. Tassadar, for example, is the only StarCraft Support (until the Medic arrives) and Kharazim will be the only Diablo Support option in the game when he moves off the PTR and on to the live servers soon.

You can also buy the Master skins for each hero with 10,000 gold (and only gold) when you hit level 10 with that character, but most of us weren’t thrilled with the Master Skin options in general. Notable exceptions are Valla’s and Tyrael’s.

What are you saving your in-game gold for?

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