Breakfast Topic: The Destroyers of Worlds

Legion is about the coming of the Burning Legion to Azeroth, and that has me thinking about what kind of shape Azeroth will be in after they show up. They’re not gentle, and the last time they were on Azeroth they left us such presents as Felwood, the Tainted Scar, the destruction of Dalaran and the transformation of the majority of Lordaeron into the Plaguelands. Demons are hard on the old real estate is what I’m saying. So what’s going to happen in Legion?
It’s possible that all the destruction will be localized to the area around the Tomb of Sargeras, or the Broken Isles as a whole, but I feel like that would be a little disappointing. We saw how Deathwing’s return put Azeroth into tumult, with a scarcity of resources fought over by the Horde and Alliance. What happens if the demons start invading every major city? What lasting fallout do you expect from the arrival of the Burning Legion, or what would you like to see change forever?
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