What are your wackiest BlizzCon Predictions?

Yesterday Mitch asked what your BlizzCon predictions were. I saw some good answers and a few that were a little out-there. I just think that we didn’t go far enough. We’ve got just a few hours to go until the opening ceremonies — time to get the tin foil hats out. Let’s throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Bonus points if you end up actually figuring out what their secret projects are!
For Warcraft I’m betting that the 8.1 content is just a red-herring: 8.2 is going to see the return of Wrathion. Not only will he come back and want our help again, but he’s going to take us to a third unique alternate universe version of Draenor. Only this time the Saberon and the Draenei have formed an alliance and built giant cat robots. We’ll have to work with the Ogres — who are a new neutral playable race — and defeat them before they launch an intergalactic crusade to knock everything off tables.
We’re also going to see Blizzard jump into their next big video game genre, with Overcooked: Nomi Edition. Finally, we’ll be able to cook alongside Nomi in Dalaran and attempt to burn as many meals as possible. Along the way, we’ll learn just how strong our friendships are as we attempt to char even more complicated meals to blackened lumps. Expect to see a Nintendo Switch port in 2020.
Heroes of the Storm will get a new Hearthstone-themed map. Each team will select a member to play Hearthstone in the middle of the map. The rest of the team has to battle to get buffs and extra mana. Yogg-Saron will finally be made a playable hero in Heroes, but his abilities will randomly cycle through all other hero abilities in the game. Not content with a show on Netflix, Diablo will also expand into podcasts. Listen along as the citizens of Tristram deal with their everyday problems, while also recording everything into their journals. It’ll be called Pulling Wirt’s Leg, and be sponsored by Blue Apron and Audible.
Overwatch will announce a new hero — which will be hidden behind another year-long augmented reality game. When the hero is finally revealed, it’ll turn out to just be Sombra again. But she’ll have a new hat! Last but not least, StarCraft: Ghost will be announced during the opening ceremonies! Unfortunately, it will be canceled again by the closing ceremonies.
I’d place the odds of any of these actually happening somewhere around a million to one. We’ve seen some wild reveals though, nobody was prepared when they announced Overwatch. What do you think we’ll see? Remember, there are no wrong answers here, the crazier the better!
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