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Discussion > WoWJun 24, 2019 8:00 am CT

How do you think Battle for Azeroth is going to end?

To be succinct, I have no idea what the end raid of this expansion will be. Battle for Azeroth has done an incredible job of making it so that I can’t be sure how it’s going to end. Another raid on Orgrimmar seems utterly unlikely. There’s a lot of Old God stuff but with Azshara in patch 8.2 I no longer feel like she’s the end boss. And there’s a growing sense that Blizzard has finally done what they tried to do at the end of Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor and made an expansion where you simply can’t tell how it will all come to a close — I genuinely do not know what this expansion’s end point is.

I mean, Sylvanas feels like a possibility, but kind of a wasted one. And even though I hope Azshara isn’t considered dead after her raid appearance, I also don’t want to see her twice, if that makes sense. And while I’d certainly not be surprised if we ended up fighting N’Zoth, how does that resolve the Horde/Alliance conflict that opened the expansion? If we started this expansion fighting over Azeroth and ended it fighting on behalf of Azeroth, then either way Battle for Azeroth is well named — but how does that end the conflict? Can we go into the next expansion still fighting each other?

I’m curious what you all think. What’s the end game for this expansion? After we get flying, after we explore Nazjatar and Mechagon, what do we do next? Where do we go from here, and what happens when we get there? How does Battle for Azeroth come to a close?

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