The Queue: Order vs. Chaos is the the choice in the final Splatfest, and I’m sad no matter what side wins

As I assume you are all aware, the Splatoon 2 Splatfests are something of an interest of mine. I may not always partake equally, but I still pay attention to a given month’s and choose a specific side which I root for. Which makes it a little sad in saying that tonight/this weekend’s (extended) Splatfest is the final official one planned for Splatoon 2.
This time around, the theme is Order vs. Chaos. As you’ve likely surmised, I’m going to be playing for Team Chaos. That said, I’m still sad to see these go. I’m confident they’ll return in Nintendo’s next iteration of the series, but it’s still an ending. And I’ve never been great with endings.
But anyhow. Let’s Queue.
I bet tomorrow’s Queue will be written by Rossi. Or Alex! Or Fox!!
Nope. Just me. Mitch. But Jovan says he’s sad you left him out of your list :(
Mechagon Disappointment – there isn’t a Voltron-esque event mega boss there
If it helps, that’s probably because Mimiron’s mega-creation thing in Ulduar is named V0-L7R-0N and having another Voltron reference might take away from what is a really awesome boss. Speaking of Mimiron, did you know it’s Wrath Timewalking week? Go run Ulduar and experience the raid how it was kind of intended!
Q4TQ: If Blizzard decided to do a sim game, which of their current IPs would you like it to be used for it and what kind of sim game would it be?
Does Dream Daddy count as a sim? Because there are plenty of dads in WoW to make that kind of game, and I’m like 99% sure someone’s already made fan art of what it could look like. If not that, WoW definitely has the largest world and cast of characters to make that sort of thing happen. I’d actually be kind of interested to see the Warcraft characters used in a Fire Emblem-ish sim fashion where you keep the game a Tactical RPG but still have relationship aspects to it.
And if not any of the above, uhh… Knaifu Simulator. You are Knaifu and cannot move but you can talk in your sexy, seductive voice. Where you end up is based entirely on the dialog you present to whomever crosses your path!
PirateWarlocks. Yes or No?
I will happily make anything more pirate-y, so yes. Although I’d hope PirateWarlocks would have extra special themes to their abilities. Instead of Imp swarms (or whatever it’s called), they get schools of fish. Instead of a Void Walker, they get a whale. So on and so forth.
Q4tQ: If you had the option to infuse a non-magical class (Warrior, Hunter, Rogue) with magic, would you?
Not if we’re keeping the name of the class the same. Don’t get me wrong — I’m all for cool melee/casting hybrids (I really like FFXIV’s Red Mages), but I don’t think existing classes need to change in that regard. Give us Spellbreakers or something to that effect.
Anyone checking out World First stuff?
Feels bad for Red Bull… Method stream literally 10 times more viewers (not including Sco or Gingi streams). Big kill by Method on Ashvane.
I’m not watching, but I’m vaguely keeping up with the progress. I would like to watch, but it’s a bit hard to do during the work day, and it loses a bit of charm if you’re watching a VOD of this sort of thing. I do think that Method splitting from Red Bull hurt the other guilds in the race, and it was absolutely a business move from Method first and foremost. But hey, at least the race is getting attention. It even got an official post from Blizz! That’s progress. It’s not perfect, but it’s more than it used to get.
Q4tQ: Besides Ol’ Blanchy, which currently/presumed dead NPC would you be most shocked to find out has been possessing Sylvanas all this time?
Mankrik’s wife, in an effort to gain enough power to wipe out all Quilboars in existence.. What a long con that would have been.
Q4TQ: what’s your workout routine like (if you have one)?
I don’t really have a routine, but if you’ve paid any attention to my social media accounts, you’ve probably noticed I really enjoy rock climbing. I try to go 2-3 times per week when I can, and I usually stay for 1.5+ hours. Usually it’s just bouldering (since I can do that solo), but sometimes I’ll get on the belays if friends are there. The reason I like rock climbing so much is because it doesn’t feel like a workout. I feel like I’m solving a puzzle with every new route I tackle. There’s wiggle room on some of them, but a lot of the harder routes have a specific approach in mind.
For example, last night I was trying a new route and couldn’t get it at all. The big issue? I was reaching with my right hand (which seemed the obvious approach) when I needed to be reaching with my left (which was much less intuitive). It doesn’t sound like it would make a big difference, and I never thought it would based on the hold, but it really did. That’s one example, but the point is, it feels like a puzzle to climb and I like that.
I tried tossing in running to my routine a while back and stuck with it for a bit, but… I just hate running. It’s really hard to want to run. It’s not hard to want to climb.
And with that, we’re done for the day! Remember, always root for Team Chaos.
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