Our first look at Shadowlands class changes highlights our favorite returning abilities

At BlizzCon, Blizzard told us our favorite classes would be reworked to bring back some of our favorite abilities, but they didn’t give us a lot of details on exactly what our classes would look like in Shadowlands. But now the developers have dropped all the details on expansion class design, and it’s a lot.
All 36 class and specialization options are laid out with the first changes that we’ll have when we cross over into the Shadowlands. Going into Shadowlands, Blizzard wants your specialization choice to make you feel like you’re choosing to excel in one area of your class, while still giving you access to the other fun toys that the other specs got, which is going to lead to some interesting gameplay.
I hope you’re wearing shoes — because some of these are going to knock your socks off.
Hunters, you’re getting a massive stable size increase! Frost Death Knights and Brewmaster Monks are getting the choice to use either one-handed or two-handed weapons again! All Mages will be able to cast spells from each school of magic if they want. If you’re a Fire Mage and you want to work in a Frostbolt to slow something down before it gets to you, go for it! All Druids will be able to change into bear form and have access to Ironbark, letting them fill in for a moment if their tank dies — with less fear of their own imminent death. Paladins, you’re all getting your Auras back.
Shadow Priests are getting a new version of Surrender to Madness — which brings back the danger of a grisly end if you don’t kill your target. Balance Druids have new eclipse mechanics to look forward to, that actually bring the concept of Balancing your Nature and Arcane mechanics back into your playstyle.
There are too many changes to list here, so check the post for all of the details or read our rundown the changes coming to:
And look for more class overviews to come!
These changes feel like a solid place to start from, but remember that this isn’t everything coming to classes in Shadowlands. So if you don’t see the spell that you had your heart set on, don’t despair. It may just be coming in a later update.
How are you feeling about your first look at the class changes coming?
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