Battle for Azeroth and Legion reputation grinds will get a massive buff this month

Update: Blizzard extended the length of the Winds of Wisdom experience buff to the Shadowlands pre-patch!
As the Winds of Wisdom die down and 100 percent increased experience gains drift away, Blizzard is introducing a reputation buff to continue incentivizing you to play WoW during this time of quarantine. Starting April 20, you’ll gain the Impressive Influence buff that will increase Battle for Azeroth and Legion reputation gains by 100 percent.
Similar to the Winds of Wisdom experience buff, the Impressive Influence reputation boost will last about a month, ending on May 18. If you were looking to earn any of the Allied Races, like the Highmountain Tauren, Void Elves, Kul Tirans, or the Mechagnomes, this is your time to blast through the requirements to reach exalted. Or if you’re simply a completionist, you can work through the reputations that have been lagging behind. Do note that the buff doesn’t extend to either the Rajani or the Uldum Accord though.
Recent Shadowlands alpha datamining from Wowhead suggests that you might not need to reach exalted anymore to unlock Allied Races, but like many things with alpha datamining, it’s unclear if that’s actually going to be true. If so, Blizzard will probably give out some kind of acknowledgment for people who did the work by the time the expansion launches.
If you want clear and quick guides on earning Allied Race reputation, check out our guides for both the Vulpera and the Mechagnomes. Keep in mind that Allied Races will finally be able to be Death Knights in the upcoming expansion — complete with a new starting experience. This is the time to collect and level up some new races, especially if you want to take on the class-focused Torghast dungeon.
It would be nice to see the experience boost get extended as it becomes clear that everyone will have to be settled in their homes for much longer as COVID-19 continues to hold the entire world in its grip. Now that Blizzard has extended the experience buff, everyone can soon enjoy both of the buffs in tandem. Hopefully this will everyone’s attention as the Shadowlands alpha ramps up.
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