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Discussion > WoWApr 29, 2020 8:00 am CT

What would really surprise you about Shadowlands?

I think about this one a lot.

What could Shadowlands, the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, do with its story that would really surprise you? What could possibly happen in the narrative — or heck even in the gameplay or systems — that you don’t or can’t imagine would happen? I was pretty surprised by the Shadowlands cinematic with Bolvar fighting Sylvanas and losing the Helm of Domination — to a certain degree I’m still surprised by it. I did not see it coming. But how could the expansion possibly pay all of the past few years off?

That’s an issue with long-form storytelling like what we see in an MMO — there are so many threads to gather together, so many new ideas introduced and old ideas hanging around. How much of what didn’t get resolved in Legion or Battle for Azeroth will be brought to a conclusion here? There are certain things players mention from time to time that I absolutely don’t expect anymore — there will never be cross-faction play, I don’t imagine we’ll see another new class any time soon, and player housing seems to be a completely unlikely event. But what could possibly cap off an expansion where we travel beyond life itself and into the mythical, Orphean realms of the dead? How can this expansion possibly end?

There are a lot of mysteries in Shadowlands. The Jailer, the Arbiter, what Sylvanas’ ultimate goal actually is, the cause of the Anima drought and the origin of the Lich King’s Helm of Domination and how the Burning Legion got their hands on it — all of these and more come to mind. What, exactly, will be the conclusion to this expansion? How are we going to resolve the situation in the Shadowlands and safeguard Azeroth this time, and what could possibly come after all that? Plus, are Soulbinds actually going to be fun?

What would surprise you the most to get in this expansion?

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