What could Blizzard do to improve World Quests?

I don’t know what the World Quest situation will be in Shadowlands, but right now in World of Warcraft they’re simultaneously one of my favorite systems and also the one that ends up “meh” the fastest. I currently have five characters I’m working on at max level, and for all of those characters, the only thing that’s really compelling is gear and even then the gear is only compelling on some of them. For both of my most geared Warriors, there’s literally nothing I want from WQs, while for my DK, my Paladin, and my old Warrior, there’s stuff I could get, but it rarely ends up being what I get so I basically just log on, check the Emissaries, and if there are no rewards I want on those, I don’t bother. As for the quests themselves, those stopped rewarding anything I needed a long time ago.
I get why World Quests have caps so that players can’t just get Mythic gear through them, and I get why some World Quests reward gold or Azerite or what have you, even if those quests get skipped faster than I can relate to you, but what I’m wondering is this: Do these systems need a change? One possibility could be for WQs to start offering a choice of rewards — if you need gold, or whatever the next currency item is in Shadowlands, instead of a gear reward maybe that could be something you could choose? Do World Quests always have to have a specific singular reward? Do Emissaries have to be significantly better than the World Quests themselves, and if so, could Emissaries also give you an option between, say, 2000 gold again, or maybe War Resources (or again, whatever the currency is in the next expansion) or even between more than one piece of gear?
I don’t hate World Quests. I actually really like them, and I understand why you’d want to leave them at a lower reward level than, say, raiding or Mythic+ dungeon gear. But maybe we could introduce some variety? Some way to make WQs more compelling for longer? It just feels like they have an arbitrary cap on how worthwhile they are, and that cap could be made less rigid with a bit of choice in our rewards. What do you all think? How would you improve World Quests?
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