What WoW expansion was the best for your class?

For me, it’s hard to say which World of Warcraft expansion had what I feel is the best Warrior, because each expansion did a few things I’ve loved — Wrath of the Lich King brought us Titan’s Grip, for example, which is absolutely my favorite Warrior ability of all time, even ahead of Charge. But Cataclysm gave us a tanking spec for Warriors that was so well designed, versatile, and strong that I still remember going Prot to tank Heroic Spine of Deathwing and helping my guild get Server First, because we were just so good at getting aggro on those little blood jerks and so mobile with Heroic Leap and Intervene letting us careen around the back of that giant pain in the scaly butt.
Meanwhile Warlords has Gladiator Stance, which I still miss, and Legion gave us Rampage, which I’m really fond of. So it’s a hard question for me. I’d probably go with Cataclysm just because that really was an amazing Protection Spec design — one of the best we’ve ever had, and I’d love to see some of the highlights of that spec return.
But it’s a hard call for me, and that got me wondering — what about other classes? What’s the best expansion for Paladins, or Death Knights, or Shaman? There are quite a few classes and a whole lot of different WoW players with different opinions, and we’re about to go into Shadowlands and see changes to our various classes — so what’s the best Blizzard ever did for your class, in your opinion?
What design do you wish they’d look back to for inspiration, what talents or spells or abilities do you miss the most, when was your favorite class at its best, most iconic, most fun to play heights? Share your thoughts with us here in the comments on when Blizzard did the best job of realizing that class fantasy.
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