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Discussion > WoWNov 18, 2020 8:00 am CT

How are you handling the last week of Battle for Azeroth?

I just can’t even. World of Warcraft has broken me.

For whatever reason this last week of Battle for Azeroth, where we’re all just staring at the calendar waiting for Shadowlands, feels like torture for me. Waiting to get started with the next expansion when we’re still so very much stuck in this expansion, when we know where we’re supposed to be but we can’t get there yet, it’s not a tension I experienced this keenly before. When Legion was in the middle of its demonic invasion pre-expansion event, I was loving running all my alts through it. When we were hit with the pre-Battle story, it was such a gut punch it sort of took me off my feet and I ended up less anticipating and more dreading the coming expansion.

This time, I’m beyond eager to get all of this behind me and start the next chapter. I’m excited to finally get to explore the realms on the other side of the great rift in the sky, to pursue justice and defend my world against forces unlike anything previously unleashed upon the poor people of Azeroth. I’ve been in the beta for a while, so I know what to expect, and yet that’s done nothing to dampen my enthusiasm for it all. I very much want to get on with it, and while the Icecrown staging experience  has done its job, I’m done farming rares and fighting on our world — I want to take the battle to the  Jailer’s forces in the Maw and beyond.

But that’s just me. How are you holding up? Are you scrambling to finish something you wanted to get done before the expansion unlocks? Are you quietly farming rares and just having a good time? What are you doing in Battle for Azeroth while that battle is about to end?

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