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Discussion > WoWMar 3, 2021 8:00 am CT

How often do you find yourself confounded by your gearing luck?

For a Fury Warrior, Haste and Mastery are the best DPS stats. Therefore, as if by miraculous fiat, I get Critical Strike and Versatility like clockwork. I have been raiding Castle Nathria for a while now and I just can’t get rid of Versatility — it drops on everything. Be it the Great Vault, from the bosses themselves, World Quests, it doesn’t matter. I can’t even go back to lower ilevel gear with better stats because I’ve been replacing Versatility with Versatility this entire expansion and I don’t know how to get rid of it. Sometimes, I manage to replace a Mastery/Versatility item with a Haste/Versatility one, which is a minor upgrade, but I simply can’t seem to shake these two stats.

Meanwhile, there are trinkets. Or more accurately, there aren’t trinkets. Technically I know they exist — I see them drop for other people will real regularity. But for myself, I’m using a 187 trinket from World Quests that’s not very good simply because it’s the best option I’ve seen in months. The things simply do not seem to drop and it’s maddening.

We’ve seen a hotfix to Castle Nathria drop rates, and that’s great, except it hasn’t changed the stats on the gear, and I simply need to shed this Versatility gear so, so very badly. But I can’t seem to shake it — even when I got a cloak off of Stone Generals, it had, you guessed it, Versatility on it. It’s like the beating of that hideous heart in an Edgar Allen Poe story — will no one rid me of this troublesome stat? How can I be free of the curse of Versatility?

On the up side I could probably put up a pretty solid tank set with all this Versatility. Maybe the game is trying to tell me something.

So what about y’all? Are you too cursed by gear that just drops with the wrong stats? Are you getting the drops you need? Are you getting any gear at all? How’s gearing feeling right now?

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