What ilevel do you need to run the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid?

The Sepulcher of the First Ones raid is now open in Normal and Heroic for the first eight bosses. Next week, Mythic and LFR wing one will open, and the final three bosses will unlock for Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. If you’re thinking about heading in, you may be wondering what item level you should be at to enter the raid, and specifically what ilevel you need for each difficulty.
LFR is the only difficulty that has a hard and fast ilevel requirement to enter, but you’ll want to be appropriately geared for Normal and Heroic too. So here’s a quick guide to what ilevel you’re going to want for each difficulty of Sepulcher of the First Ones, and how to get it.
Sepulcher of the First Ones LFR ilevel requirements
Queuing for Sepulcher of the First Ones LFR requires ilevel 220, and the gear that drops ranges from ilevel 239 to 246. LFR will start rolling out in the coming weeks, and if you’re too low level it should be easy enough to 220 by questing in Zereth Mortis and buying the ilevel 226 gear being sold in Haven by Hadja (bind on account tokens that cost 500 Anima each).
March 8: LFR Wing 1 (drops ilevel 239 gear)
- Vigilant Guardian
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
- Artificer Xy’mox
- Halondrus the Reclaimer
March 22: LFR Wing 2 (drops ilevel 239 gear)
- Dausegne
- Fallen Oracle
- Prototype Pantheon
- Lihuvim, Principal Architect
April 5: LFR Wing 3 (Anduin drops ilevel 239 gear, all others drop ilevel 246 gear)
- Anduin Wrynn
- Lords of Dread
- Rygelon
April 19: LFR Wing 4 (drops ilevel 246 gear)
- Zovaal, the Jailer
While none of the other raid difficulties have a specific ilevel requirement, it’s fair to look at the ilevel of the gear drops in both LFR and in Normal/Heroic modes and make some estimates about what gear level the content is tuned for.
Sepulcher of the First Ones Normal/Heroic ilevel requirements
The first eight bosses in Normal Sepulcher drop ilevel 252 gear, which is 6 ilevels higher the highest ilevel drops in LFR. For raiders dipping their toes in, I’d suggest Sepulcher of the First Ones Normal recommended ilevel 235+. The previous raid, Sanctum of Domination, dropped gear up to ilevel 233 on Normal, and if you’ve cleared Normal (and maybe a bit of Heroic), upgraded your Legendary, and done a bit of questing in Zereth Mortis, you should be able to hit that level relatively easy.
Similarly, looking at the difficulty and gear available in Herioc Sepulcher for the first eight bosses as well as the gear that dropped in Heroic Sanctum, which tops out at 246, I’d suggest Sepulcher of the First ones Heroic recommended ilevel 250+. You could get that through running most of Heroic Sanctum and Normal Sepulcher, filling in low level slots with higher ilevel Zereth Mortis gear or M+ gear.
Sepulcher of the First Ones Mythic ilevel requirements
Mythic raids are a big step up in difficulty, and Mythic Sepulcher drops ilevel 278 gear for the first eight bosses, and ilevel 285 gear for the final three. By the time you’re heading in here you’d at least want to have an assortment of Heroic gear, so I’d suggest Sepulcher of the First ones Mythic recommended ilevel 270+. That’s pretty high considering Mythic Sanctum of Domination loot tops out at ilevel 259, but you can get 272 gear from three bosses on Heroic Sepulcher, so alongside upgraded legendary ranks, I think 270 is a reasonable goal to aim for.
And that’s a basic rundown of ilevel and difficulty for Sepulcher of the First Ones. Happy raiding for everyone.
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