Every enchant available in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Wrath of the Lich King Classic gives WoW Classic the chance to explore Northrend and defeat Arthas, acquiring new equipment along the way — and you’ll want new enchants to go with them. (As Uncle Ben once said, “with new gear comes new enchants.”) But what enchants are available in Wrath Classic, and what should you load up with before you head into dungeons and raids? We’ve made this handy list to find the exact enchants you need.
This post is about Wrath Classic realms. We also have a list of Classic Era enchants to help you through Classic Hardcore or Season of Discovery!
But before you dive in, there’s one important thing to remember: the enchants (and similar items, such as arcanums) from Burning Crusade Classic will still work during Wrath Classic, so don’t let your guild enchanter throw their unused mats in the trash just yet. While no one will want you tanking Icecrown Citadel with a Major Stamina enchant on your shield, settling for Felsteel Shield Spike for your first forays into the Nexus shouldn’t be a deal-breaker.
Let’s take a look at all the new enchants available in Wrath Classic. If you would like details on gems we have a guide for Wrath Classic gems, too.
Wrath Classic weapon enchants
Enchantments you can apply to your weapons are divided into four categories: melee weapon, two-handed weapon, shield, and ranged. Thrown weapons, wands, off-hand items, and relics (known in Wrath Classic as idols, librams, sigils, and totems depending upon class) still do not accept enchants. Two-handed weapons can accept enchants designed for melee weapons, although two-handed enchants are generally stronger and are thus preferable when they provide spec-relevant bonuses.
Death Knights are given a new weapon enchant system known as Runeforging which provides several different enchantments that can be freely swapped at a Runeforge in Acherus. Death Knights are still able to use standard enchantments when they wish, although they will still need to acquire the enchantments as normal, and a weapon can not have both a rune and an enchant.
All standard enchantments are created by an enchanter, with the exception of ranged scopes (crafted by Engineers) and the Blacksmithing-crafted items noted in the list below.
Melee weapon enchants:
- Enchant Weapon — Exceptional Agility: +26 agility
- Enchant Weapon — Exceptional Spirit: +45 spirit
- Enchant Weapon — Black Magic: Your damaging spells sometimes increase haste by 250
- Enchant Weapon — Lifeward: Sometimes heals the wielder when striking in melee
- Enchant Weapon — Berserking: Sometimes increases your attack power by 400, but at the cost of reduced armor
- Enchant Weapon — Giant Slayer: A chance of reducing movement speed and doing additional damage against giants
- Enchant Weapon — Icebreaker: Sometimes inflicts fire damage
- Enchant Weapon — Superior Potency: +65 attack power
- Enchant Weapon — Greater Potency: +50 attack power
- Enchant Weapon — Mighty Spellpower: +63 spell power
- Enchant Weapon — Exceptional Spellpower: +50 spell power
- Enchant Weapon — Accuracy: +25 critical strike rating, +25 hit rating
- Enchant Weapon — Blade Ward: Sometimes increases your parry rating by 200 and inflicts 600-800 damage on your next parry (available from Ulduar)
- Enchant Weapon — Blood Draining: Restores 360 to 440 health when you fall below 35% health, lasts 20 seconds and stacks up to 5 times (available from Ulduar)
- Titanium Weapon Chain: 50% disarm duration reduction, +28 hit rating (available from Blacksmithing)
Two-handed weapon enchants:
- Enchant 2H Weapon — Greater Savagery: +85 attack power
- Enchant 2H Weapon — Massacre: +110 attack power
- Enchant 2H Weapon — Scourgebane: +140 attack power against undead
- Enchant Staff — Spellpower: +69 spell power
- Enchant Staff — Greater Spellpower: +81 spell power
Shield enchants:
- Enchant Shield — Defense: +20 defense rating
- Enchant Shield — Greater Intellect: +25 intellect
- Titanium Plating: +81 block value and reduces the duration of disarm effects by 50% (available from Blacksmithing)
- Titanium Shield Spike: +45-67 block damage (available from Blacksmithing)
Ranged weapon enchants:
- Diamond-cut Refractor Scope: +15 damage
- Sun Scope: +40 ranged haste rating
- Heartseeker Scope: +40 ranged critical strike rating
Death Knight Runeforging (can be placed on any melee weapon except where noted) :
- Rune of Cinderglacier: A chance to increase the damage by 20% for your next 2 attacks that deal frost or shadow damage
- Rune of Lichbane: Causes 2% extra weapon damage as fire damage or 4% versus undead targets
- Rune of Razorice: Causes 2% extra weapon damage as frost damage and has a chance to increase frost vulnerability
- Rune of the Fallen Crusader: A chance to heal you for 3% and increase total strength by 30% for 15 sec
- Rune of the Nerubian Carapace (one-handed weapon only): +13 defense and increase total stamina by 1%
- Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle (two-handed weapon only): +25 defense and increase total stamina by 2%
- Rune of Spellbreaking (one-handed weapon only): Deflects 2% of all spell damage and reduces the duration of silence effects by 50%
- Rune of Spellshattering (two-handed weapon only) : Deflects 4% of all spell damage and reduces the duration of silence effects by 50%
- Rune of Swordbreaking (one-handed weapon only): Increases parry chance by 2% and reduces the duration of disarm effects by 50%
- Rune of Swordshattering (two-handed weapon only): Increases parry chance by 4% and reduces the duration of disarm effects by 50%
Wrath Classic armor enchants
Buffs for your armor come from a larger variety of sources than weapon enchants, increasing your options. The biggest change is the ability to socket gems on armor, with Blacksmiths able to craft an Eternal Belt Buckle that anyone can use as well as being able to socket bracers and gloves for themselves. There’s also been a reversal of a change in Burning Crusade Classic as Glyphs have been renamed back to Arcanums, but still only apply to the head slot.
Armor Kits created by Leathercrafters can be applied to multiple slots: head, chest, shoulders, legs, hands or feet; this is an increase in number of available slots since BCC however there are now only two Kits available:
- Borean Armor Kit: +12 stamina
- Heavy Borean Armor Kit: +18 stamina
The head slot once again uses Arcanums in Wrath Classic, and they remain purchases from reputation vendors. There are two types of Arcanums: those that provided resistances and can be purchased as Honored reputation, and those with stat bonuses and can be purchased at Revered reputation. The Arcanums that require Revered or higher reputation are also BOA, so you only need one character to meet the reputation requirement to send the Arcanum to other characters. Besides the two Armor Kits available to everyone, Engineers have their own profession-exclusive helm enchant they can use as well.
- Arcanum of the Eclipsed Moon: +25 arcane resistance, +30 stamina, requires Honored with the Wyrmrest Accord
- Arcanum of the Flame’s Soul: +25 fire resistance, +30 stamina, requires Honored with Kirin Tor
- Arcanum of the Fleeing Shadow: +25 shadow resistance, +30 stamina, requires Honored with the Argent Crusade
- Arcanum of the Frosty Soul: +25 frost resistance, +30 stamina, requires Honored with the Sons of Hodir
- Arcanum of Toxic Warding: +25 nature resistance, +30 stamina, requires Honored with the Knights of the Ebon Blade
- Arcanum of Blissful Mending: +30 spell power, +10 mp5, requires Revered with the Wyrmrest Accord
- Arcanum of Burning Mysteries: +30 spell power, +20 critical strike rating, requires Revered with Kirin Tor
- Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector: +37 stamina, +20 defense rating, requires Revered with the Argent Crusade
- Arcanum of Torment: +50 attack power, +20 critical strike rating, requires Revered with the Knights of the Ebon Blade
- Mind Amplification Dish: +45 stamina, allows user to attempt to control the target, Engineering only with 10 min cooldown
There are also PVP-specific Arcanums that can be purchased with Stone Keeper’s Shards or when Exalted with the respective faction.
- Arcanum of Triumph: +50 attack power, +20 resilience rating, can be purchased for 40 Stone Keeper’s Shards when your faction controls Wintergrasp
- Arcanum of Dominance: +29 spell power, +20 resilience rating, can be purchased for 40 Stone Keeper’s Shards when your faction controls Wintergrasp
- Arcanum of the Savage Gladiator: +30 stamina, +25 resilience rating, can be purchased when Exalted with Alliance Vanguard or Horde Expedition
Shoulder inscriptions will largely come from the Sons of Hodir faction, with Lesser Inscriptions available at Honored and BOA Greater Inscriptions available at Exalted. The Armor Kits will also work, and those who have trained Inscription will have profession-exclusive enchants they can use instead of the ones from the Sons of Hodir.
- Lesser Inscription of the Axe: +30 attack power, +10 critical strike rating, requires Honored with the Sons of Hodir
- Lesser Inscription of the Crag: +18 spell power, +5 mp5, requires Honored with the Sons of Hodir
- Lesser Inscription of the Pinnacle: +15 dodge rating, +10 defense rating, requires Honored with the Sons of Hodir
- Lesser Inscription of the Storm: +18 spell power, +10 critical strike rating, requires Honored with the Sons of Hodir
- Greater Inscription of the Axe: +40 attack power, +15 critical strike rating, requires Exalted with the Sons of Hodir
- Greater Inscription of the Crag: +24 spell power, +8 mp5, requires Exalted with the Sons of Hodir
- Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle: +20 dodge rating, +15 defense rating, requires Exalted with the Sons of Hodir
- Greater Inscription of the Storm: +24 spell power, +15 critical strike rating, requires Exalted with the Sons of Hodir
- Master’s Inscription of the Axe: +120 attack power, +15 critical strike rating, requires Inscription
- Master’s Inscription of the Crag: +70 spell power, +8 mp5, requires Inscription
- Master’s Inscription of the Pinnacle: +60 dodge rating, +15 defense rating, requires Inscription
- Master’s Inscription of the Storm: +70 spell power, +15 critical strike rating, requires Inscription
You can also acquire PVP-specific Inscriptions with Stone Keeper’s Shards or with Honor Points from a faction vendor in the capital city
- Inscription of Triumph: +40 attack power, +15 resilience rating, can be purchased for 30 Stone Keeper’s Shards when your faction controls Wintergrasp
- Inscription of Dominance: +23 spell power, +15 resilience rating, can be purchased for 30 Stone Keeper’s Shards when your faction controls Wintergrasp
- Greater Inscription of the Gladiator: +30 stamina, +15 resilience rating, can be purchased for 10,000 Honor Points from Brave Stonehide (Horde) or Master Sergeant Biggins (Alliance)
Cloak/Back enchantments predominantly come from Enchanting, however there are some profession-specific enchants available for Tailors and Engineers. Note that the Engineering enchant changed multiple times during Wrath of the Lich King so it is currently unknown what stat bonuses will be available for it.
- Enchant Cloak — Greater Speed: +23 haste rating
- Enchant Cloak — Major Agility: +22 agility
- Enchant Cloak — Mighty Armor: +225 armor
- Enchant Cloak — Shadow Armor: +10 agility, slight increase to stealth
- Enchant Cloak — Speed: +15 haste rating
- Enchant Cloak — Spell Piercing: +35 spell penetration
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Agility: +16 agility
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Arcane Resistance: +20 arcane resistance
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Fire Resistance: +20 fire resistance
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Frost Resistance: +20 frost resistance
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Nature Resistance: +20 nature resistance
- Enchant Cloak — Superior Shadow Resistance: +20 shadow resistance
- Enchant Cloak — Titanweave: +16 defense rating
- Enchant Cloak — Wisdom: +10 spirit, slight decrease in threat
- Darkglow Embroidery: Chance to restore 400 mana when you cast a spell, requires Tailoring
- Lightweave Embroidery: Chance to increase your spell power by 295 for 15 sec when casting a spell, requires Tailoring
- Swordguard Embroidery: Chance for your damaging melee and ranged attacks to sometimes increase your attack power by 400 for 15 sec, requires Tailoring
- Flexweave Underlay: Turn your cloak into a parachute in order to fall slowly for 30 sec (1 min cooldown), also increases agility by 23. Engineers only
The chest slot will take the Armor Kits described above or the following enchants.
- Enchant Chest — Exceptional Mana: +250 mana
- Enchant Chest — Exceptional Resilience: +20 resilience rating
- Enchant Chest — Greater Defense: +22 defense rating
- Enchant Chest — Greater Mana Restoration: +10 mp5
- Enchant Chest — Mighty Health: +200 health
- Enchant Chest — Powerful Stats: +10 all stats
- Enchant Chest — Super Health: +275 health
- Enchant Chest — Super Stats: +8 all stats
The wrist slot uses bracer enchants, but there are also now Leatherworking-only enchants available as well a gem socket that can be applied by Blacksmiths for their own use. Unlike most other profession-exclusive enchants, the Blacksmith socket can stack with other enchants.
- Enchant Bracers — Exceptional Intellect: +16 intellect
- Enchant Bracers — Expertise: +15 expertise rating
- Enchant Bracers — Greater Assault: +50 attack power
- Enchant Bracers — Greater Spellpower: +23 spell power
- Enchant Bracers — Greater Stats: +6 all stats
- Enchant Bracers — Major Spirit: +18 spirit
- Enchant Bracers — Major Stamina: +40 stamina
- Enchant Bracers — Striking: +38 attack power
- Enchant Bracers — Superior Spellpower: +30 spell power
- Fur Lining — Attack Power: +130 attack power, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Spell Power: +76 spell power, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Stamina: +102 stamina, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Arcane Resist: +70 arcane resistance, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Fire Resist: +70 fire resistance, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Frost Resist: +70 frost resistance, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Nature Resist: +70 nature resistance, requires Leatherworking
- Fur Lining — Shadow Resist: +70 shadow resistance, requires Leatherworking
- Socket Bracer: Adds a gem socket to bracers; requires Blacksmithing and stacks with other enchants
Gloves in the hands slot can use the armor kits listed above as well as enchants. Wrath Classic also adds enchants for Engineers as well as the ability for Blacksmiths to apply a gem socket to gloves in addition to normal enchants.
- Enchant Gloves — Armsman: +10 parry rating, 2% increase to threat
- Enchant Gloves — Crusher: +44 attack power
- Enchant Gloves — Exceptional Spellpower: +28 spell power
- Enchant Gloves — Expertise: +15 expertise rating
- Enchant Gloves — Gatherer: +5 herbalism, +5 mining, +5 skinning
- Enchant Gloves — Greater Assault: +35 attack power
- Enchant Gloves — Major Agility: +20 agility
- Enchant Gloves — Precision: +20 hit rating
- Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket: Deal 1645 to 2020 fire damage to an enemy at range (45 sec cooldown), Engineers only
- Hyperspeed Accelerators: Increases your haste rating by 340 for 12 sec (1 minute cooldown), Engineers only
- Reticulated Armor Webbing: Increases armor by 885, Engineers only
- Socket Gloves: Adds a gem socket to gloves; requires Blacksmithing and stacks with other enchants
A new addition for Wrath Classic is a belt buckle crafted by Blacksmiths that can be used by all characters to add a gem socket to their waist slot. In addition, Engineers have two waist enchants that stack with the belt buckle.
- Eternal Belt Buckle: Adds a gem socket to belts
- Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator: Can confuse nearby mechanical creatures (1 minute cooldown), requires Engineering
- Frag Belt: Attach a miniaturized explosive assembly to your belt, allowing you to detach and throw a Cobalt Frag Bomb every 6 minutes, requires Engineering
The leg slots can be augmented by armor kits (described above), leg armor crafted by Leatherworkers, or spellthread from Tailors. In addition, Leatherworkers and Tailors have their own profession-specific enchantments they can apply.
- Earthen Leg Armor: +40 resilience rating, +28 stamina
- Frosthide Leg Armor: +22 agility, +55 stamina
- Icescale Leg Armor: +75 attack power, +22 critical strike rating
- Jormungar Leg Armor: +15 agility, +45 stamina
- Nerubian Leg Armor: +55 attack power, +15 critical strike rating
- Azure Spellthread: +35 spell power, +20 stamina
- Brilliant Spellthread: +50 spell power, +20 spirit
- Sapphire Spellthread: +50 spell power, +30 stamina
- Shining Spellthread: +35 spell power, +12 spirit
- Jormungar Leg Reinforcements: +22 agility, +55 stamina, requires Leatherworking
- Nerubian Leg Reinforcements: +75 attack power, +22 critical strike rating, requires Leatherworking
- Master’s Spellthread: +50 spell power, +30 stamina, requires Tailoring
- Sanctified Spellthread: +50 spell power, +20 spirit, requires Tailoring
Boots in the feet slot can use the armor kits described above, or the following enchants. There is also a new addition for Engineers as well.
- Enchant Boots — Assault: +24 attack power
- Enchant Boots — Greater Assault: +32 attack power
- Enchant Boots — Greater Fortitude: +22 stamina
- Enchant Boots — Greater Spirit: +18 spirit
- Enchant Boots — Greater Vitality: +7 hp5, +7 mp5
- Enchant Boots — Icewalker: +12 critical strike rating, +12 hit rating
- Enchant Boots — Superior Agility: +16 agility
- Enchant Boots — Tuskarr’s Vitality: +15 stamina, +8% run speed
- Nitro Boosts: Increases your critical strike rating by 24 and allows you to greatly increase run speed for 5 sec. 3 minute cooldown, requires Engineering.
Finally, enchanters will be once again be able to augment their own rings with the following enchants — they are not unique, so the same one can be applied to both rings if desired.
- Enchant Ring — Assault: +40 attack power
- Enchant Ring — Greater Spellpower: +23 spell power
- Enchant Ring — Stamina: +30 stamina
Originally published May 17, 2022; updated September 18, 2023
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