WRUP: It’s the last weekend of the month and Team Blizzard Watch is ready for flowers and warm weather

Hello and happy Friday, dear readers! We’ve once again made it to the weekend — and in this case, it’s the last weekend! (Of the month, not the year.)
So what are we up to on this pre-May weekend? Time to find out! This is WRUP, and we’re here to tell you what we’re playing.
Christian “Kalcheus” Thoma
- Persona 5 Royal
- It’s All True – A Visual Album starring Malinda Kathleen Reese
I don’t have much going on gamingwise right now because of work, so thankfully I can take a short break from WoW before 10.1 arrives next week. When I do play it’ll be Persona 5 Royal (Year of the Backlog, baby!) on the Switch, which I’ve only just started playing and it’s pretty out there.
One of my favorite YouTubers Malinda Kathleen Reese is debuting a music video film this weekend called It’s All True and thankfully it’s playing near me so I’ll be making a trip down to Salisbury NC to support her on Sunday.
Phil Ulrich
- D&D
- Wario Land 4
- Some game development
I’ve got D&D on Saturday night! Aside from that my weekend is largely free, and I’ve been rediscovering exactly how dang good Wario Land 4 is, so I’ll probably… keep doing that. Also still tinkering with some game ideas and just in general warming the ol’ game dev muscles back up; as one of my mentors would phrase it, I’m currently in the “playful” phase of development, just prototyping things and seeing what’s fun.
Joel Davis
- World of Warcraft
- No Man’s Sky
- Skyrim
My schedule is in flux again, so I’m not quite sure where my weekend will land this time round, but I’m probably going to resub to WoW in preparation for patch 10.1 dropping. With all the updates that have dropped for No Man’s Sky since Iast playing in September, I reckon I’ll make some time to tool around in hyperspace looking for the perfect planets for screenshots, too. Either that, or I’ll pop back into Skyrim for more walking simulator goodness and, you guessed it, screenshots.
Ted Atchley
- NFL Draft
- Star Wars Battlefront 2
This is NFL draft week, and my favorite team currently holds the first pick. I’ll be glued to the TV Thursday night to see who my new quarterback is going to be.
I’ve gotten back into Star Wars Battlefront. The game is fun and quick, even if I am terrible at first person shooters. There’s just something about a John William’s score playing as I blast Stormtroopers and Battle Droids that brings a smile to my face. Do I want to be playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? Sure, but it’s probably going to have to wait for a birthday or Christmas gift.
Matthew Rossi
- Diablo 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- Working on ideas for a Pathfinder 2 project
- The King Must Die by Mary Renault
I have wanted to publish a book of non-dinosaur prehistoric creatures for use in tabletop RPGs, and with Pathfinder’s new ORC coming out alongside their revised Pathfinder books, I may decide to use that rule system.
Phil Xavier
- My niece’s fourth birthday party
- Slay the Spire
- Theatrhythm
- Fire Emblem: Heroes
This weekend, I’m gonna be traveling for my niece’s fourth birthday party, which means that all of my gaming will be restricted to mobile gaming in short bursts. That is: Slay the Spire and Theatrhythm on my Switch, and Fire Emblem Heroes on my phone.
Look, I’m not exactly proud to play a gacha mobile game, but FE:H is the best one I’ve found, by far — or, more adequately, the only one I actually managed to stick to. It’s fun and offers lots to do even if you don’t spend a dime. You don’t have to compete with the whales on the asynchronous PVP modes (where you’re gonna get demolished); there’s plenty of single player content there, and some of it is challenging enough to keep you busy for a while!
Mitch “Mitch” Mitchell
- Elden Ring
- Possible get-together
- More D&D planning
- Resident Evil 4?
I’m sure I’ll have more to add by the time this sends, but for now, my weekend plans are fairly straightforward. Outside of maybe getting together with some friends, the weekend is mostly reserved for Elden Ring (GF), Resident Evil 4 (me), and whatever other random things (like D&D planning) we get up to in the meantime.
Sara Hanson
- The ABC Murders
- The Past Within
- Stray
- BW Writing
- Work Training
I’ve been streaming puzzle games on my YouTube channel. My last session of The ABC Murders got stalled prematurely due to an in game glitch, hopefully replaying that section will let me finish the game, I’m 65-70% of the way through. Next on the list is either progressing Stray or starting up The Past Within, which is a co-op mystery with my other half who has a much bigger YT channel of their own.
I have a backlog of training to finish for work — there are times being a consultant sucks, what most people don’t realise is that on top of the full week you work for the client, you still have a bunch of things you have to get done for your own company, which tends to get done on weekends or in the evenings.
I also need to put together a guide on the new Dragon Glyphs coming in 10.1 before reset, so that’s a fair way up the to do list.
Nick Marino
- Dragonflight
- Legend of Zelda
In one of the last WRUP I said I was going to complete the Dragonflight Return to the Forbidden Reach quests ahead of 10.1 dropping, and I did just that! Since 10.1 is around the corner (insert Justin Timberlake meme), I’m back in Dragonflight almost full-bore but when I step out of it, I almost immediately pivot back into Legend of Zelda. With Tears of the Kingdom coming out too, I wanted to finally go back and finish Breath of the Wild but in true Nick fashion, I turned on BotW, exited in about 45 minutes, and then fired up Majora’s Mask. I have no clue why I do this but I know that I’ll most likely do it again over the next two weeks.
That’s all for us this week. What about you? What aRe yoU Playing?
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