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Discussion > The War Within > WoWAug 2, 2024 8:00 am CT

What are you playing going into The War Within?

A Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman sits in crimson and black armor in Dalaran.

With less than a month before early access and the launch of The War Within, we find ourselves in an interesting time. With the Radiant Echoes event in full swing and Mists of Pandaria: Remix winding down, this is the perfect time to look at the changes that came with the pre-patch and decide: should I play something new?

As some of our other writers know, I am a Paladin main. Since the start of Vanilla World of Warcraft, I have played a Paladin in almost every expansion; I played Retribution when the only specialization serious players used was Holy, I’ve chased down players to teach them the pain of the Reckoning Bomb, and I’ve tanked my way through Arthas and beyond. Sure, I’ve dabbled with Druid, or caused wipes as a Warlock, but I almost always return to the Holy Light by the end of the expansion. Yet this time, I think it’s time I return to a former main – I’m starting with Elemental Shaman.

It’s not just because the Earthen are really cool and I can play a Dwarf while also being on the Horde (okay, it sort of is); but also because the pre-patch class changes made playing Elemental really fun. Yes, it does hurt a little to put down my legendary axe and heroic armor to start fresh, but the siren call of the Light will come eventually. In the meantime, I can throw lightning at bosses while cackling about having Unlimited Powaaa!

With warbands making sharing the armor from the Radiant Echoes event so easy, now seems like a great time to consider swapping to another class for a breath of fresh air. Are you planning to swap to a new main, or are you sticking with what you know? Did something stand out to make you stay or change?

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