Anna Bell
The Queue: We’re home
Hey guys, guess which Covenant I picked.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we’re finally in our natural habitat so we don’t mind taking a while to sit down and answer.
The Queue: Did something happen?
I logged in yesterday, and wow, were there a lot of people hanging around Orgrimmar today. I bet there’s gonna be a pet battle tournament. Maybe a transmog fashion show! I can’t wait to see what happens.
This is The Queue, and yes, I answered all the questions you asked extremely early yesterday. No reason.
How do I get from Orgrimmar to Oribos?
The Queue: Are we there yet?
Thanks so much for this transmog gear I’m not going to use and this pet I’m also probably not going to use, really, but can we get on with it?
This is The Queue where you ask us questions and we gladly supply the answers because we’re all just counting the days now.
The Queue: My happy place
Ah, to be the prince of hell, casually battling my way toward the surface with a magic gun and the favor of the gods.
This is The Queue, where we have a whole lot going on so just be chill for a sec while we answer some questions, ok man?
The Queue: Tired again.
I am, once again, ready for a nap.
This is The Queue, where we promise we’ll stay awake long enough to answer any questions you ask.
The Queue: Impending Doom
It’s right behind me, isn’t it.
This is The Queue, where you have questions and we’re not procrastinating on anything important coming up so sure, of course, we’ll answer a few questions in laborious detail.
The Queue: I see you
We’re all in the creepy spirit, so I had to change up the transmog to match. Rutherford is a great big scaredy cat though — he’s fine with commiting wide-scale murders, but there’s something about eyeballs that makes him have to take a sick day.
This is The Queue, where we stop eating candy corn just long enough to answer any questions you may have!
The Queue: Time for a makeover!
No, no, not me of course. I’m fabulous. But you… are you sure you aren’t ready to update that hairstyle just a little?
This is The Queue, where we answer the questions you ask and then wait until the servers come up on patch 9.0!