Christian Thoma
How much Timewalking do you plan to do during the Turbulent Timeways event?
How to unlock the Heroic Tier appearance with the new upgrade tokens in Dragonflight patch 10.0.7
Which classes should (eventually) be available for Dracthyr?
Yes, Chef! New Community Feast activities added in Dragonflight patch 10.0.7
The Queue: Ob la di, Diablo
It just occurred to me that Ob La Di is an anagram of Diablo so I’m really wondering if there’s some secret meaning behind the song. Could Desmond actually be a rework of “D[iablo] Demons”? Could the “barrow in the marketplace” actually be a reference to the Gauntlet of the Wastes? It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that McCartney put references in all his works — after all, canonically the walrus was Paul.
While I consider whether Penny Lane is a road in New Tristram and download the Diablo 4 beta (85 gigs!) let’s answer some questions!
What do you hope to see in the Diablo 4 beta this weekend?
What class specialization would you like to see added in World of Warcraft?
What are you most looking forward to in Dragonflight patch 10.0.7?
The Queue: All hail the fifth Old God, Azathoth!
I know what you’re thinking: Kalcheus, you’ve clearly been diving into some old Tin Foil Hat articles if you’re dredging up the old Azathoth=Azeroth theory, but hear me out. When Y’shaarj got yanked out of Azeroth it caused a lot of bleeding but there’s no evidence the titans took a good look at the wound. What if it’s like a tick, where they tell you not to rip them off because it can leave behind a head — perhaps there’s a part of Y’shaarj still in the planet somewhere, ready to infect Azeroth. Granted, none of this syncs up with all of the various ruminations lately on a 5th old god, it’s just a thought I had.
Since I’m writing this on Tuesday night and am sure nothing of importance will be announced Wednesday morning let’s answer some questions!