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Phil Xavier

Phil Xavier — Phil Xavier, also known as Red, began his Blizzard adventure many years ago, with such titles as Rock N' Roll Racing and Blackthorne -- but it was the one-two punch of Warcraft II and Diablo that really took hold of his nerdy heart. He is also deeply interested in other games, especially for the Switch (but without ignoring the PC and PS4), and in discussions about game design (and game-making) in general. There is a place called rcnsk.com where he writes stuff unrelated to Blizzard Watch, but the truth is that there's nothing really in there yet.

How was your Overwatch 2 launch day experience?

Overwatch 2 is finally out — the wait was very long, but the PVP experience of the game is now playable, with its three new heroes (Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko), a new game mode, several new maps, and an assortment of other changes, including the shift from 6v6 to 5v5 -- which is actually far more impactful than it may sound.

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