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Mitch —

The Queue: Going fast

Hello and happy Thursday, Queuemans!

We’re nearing the end of Summer Games Done Quick, but that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to love about the upcoming runs! I, for one, am incredibly excited for everything happening on Saturday. As always, I encourage you to check out the stream, especially if you’ve never given GDQ a watch.

But that’s GDQ. This is a gee-darn-Queue. So let’s Queue.

The Queue: Always wanting more Bloodborne

Today’s title is inspired both by our first question and the recent (and incredibly annoying) “Bloodborne Remastered” tweet that took off like fire, despite being completely fake. I generally hate those sorts of “jokes” — in which the end result is purely that a bunch of people will be disappointed after having been completely excited — but I digress. We’re here to Queue.

So let’s Queue.

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