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Mitch —

The Queue: Refroged

Anyone else find themselves typing “refroged” instead of “reforged”? I don’t really know why it happens, but I have to continually correct myself. That said, it’s funny to picture Warcraft 3 but with frogs in place of the characters.

Anyhow, who’s ready to Queue?

The Queue: The other side of Azeroth

I always find it interesting when Blizzard implements views of Azeroth like the one above. It’s been tossed around several times in the past, but including those globes in Ulduar was a regret of Blizz’s. So the fact that they’ve done something like this in both Argus and the new raid (albeit with clouds covering the most interesting portions) is interesting to me.

Anyhow, enough of that. It’s Queue time.

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