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Mitch —

The Queue: #TopHalfFishADisneyMovie

What’s the title, you ask? Well, while in the midst of a discussion about which Disney film should be made live-action, I suggested The Little Mermaid… but with Ariel having the top half of her body as a fish. That led us down a rabbit hole (fish… hole?) of different Disney movies wherein we replaced characters’ top halves with fish bodies. It’s not weird.

But anyway, while you think about which Disney film would be most entertaining with the main characters top-half fish’d — I’d like to see a bunch of Dalmatian-puppy-fish abominations, personally — let’s Queue.

The Queue: The hare cheated; history was not repeated

Despite being a 48-hour Splatfest, I didn’t partake in this one nearly as much as I have in the past. Mostly because it was Easter weekend and I was pretty busy. However, I will say, I am strongly disappointed in the results. Hare beating tortoise? Pffft. Nope. Never. Wouldn’t happen.

Oh well, whatever. I’m not mad.



Let’s Queue.

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