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Mitch —

The Queue: Romantic Residents

Hello and happy Wednesday, Queuemans!

We didn’t get many questions, so this might be on the shorter side, but please enjoy our time together on what is, at least here, a sunny afternoon.

Also, how come no one told me the Resident Evil remake had such amazing cosmetic outfits for Leon and Ashley?

The Queue: Bisexual Old God

Hello and happy Wednesday, Queuemans! Today’s title and header image are inspired by our first question, which maybe dives sliiiiiightly into 10.1 spoiler territory. If you’d like to go into the patch or raid with zero knowledge, go ahead and skip the first Q&A — otherwise…

…Let’s Queue.

The Queue: Bungers, Snax, Games

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I originally wrote “Big Sweaty Guy” as the title here because I couldn’t think of anything to (very loosely) continue the trend but then I found my good friends, the Bungers!

So please enjoy the Bungers bunging while we have ourselves a Queue.

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