How are you finding the Secrets of Azeroth event?
Last week the latest feature of Dragonflight went live: the Secrets of Azeroth.
How do you feel about play experimental modes and game-changing variations in your games?
My favorite mode to play in Hearthstone is Battlegrounds.
What are the worst missed opportunities you can think of in gaming?
I think a lot about games and gaming moments.
What board game could you play repeatedly without ever getting bored?
Growing up, the term "board game" conjured images ranging from Stratego to (The Game of) Life to Monopoly.
How have your 2023 gaming experiences and personal goals been so far?
This week marks the start of September, which means autumn is right around the corner in the northern hemisphere.
What makes a game something everyone recommends to you?
With gamescom in full swing, we've seen a lot of demos, trailers, cinematics, and previews, running the gamut from the new AAA behemoth games like Starfield and Diablo 4, all the way through charming high-concept indies we'd never heard of before.
How much is too much to do in-game?
There is an entire science in game design on how to get players to spend more time in-game.
How do you feel about visual novels as a gaming experience?
While it seems like everybody else was excited for Baldur's Gate 3 this month, I actually had my eye on two very different games: Stray Gods and Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood.
What are your “safety valve” games? What do you play to shut your brain off and unwind?
I might be unusual for this, but there are games I play to simply unwind and vent.
What games were you looking forward to playing before they were cancelled?
2023 has been a pretty stellar year in gaming so far thanks to releases like Tears of the Kingdom, Diablo 4, and Baldur's Gate 3 (just to name a few).