The Queue
The Queue: The Vampire Hobbits vs. The Tree of the Empty Pants
I refuse to give you any context for that title.
The Queue: Existential Seagull
Sharp-eyed readers may notice that today’s header image is one I tacked to the end of my last queue — if so I commend you for your observational skills and/or stalking behavior.
I saw a lot of gulls last week on my annual summer trip to North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Like most of the rest of the country it was pretty hot but not unbearably so; I was still able to do my normal resting and recreationing even if I read a lot more books than typical.
Of course all things good or bad must come to an end, so I’m back in the grind of things (the annual temptation to send in my work resignation from a beach chair was once again suppressed). While I sit here and ponder my next trip let’s answer some questions!
The Queue: Bus Stop Bird
You thought it was Anna… but it was me, Red!!!
I don’t own a bear named Rutherford Bear Hayes and I don’t have dozens of great literature recommendations, but I’ll still try my best to honor the age-old tradition of the Tuesday Queue as Anna enjoys her vacation.
I’m gonna play it safe: gotta go with Standard Tuesday Queue rules. Best of five, single elimination, no jackpot, winner takes it all.
So buckle up, birdos, and let’s Queue.
The Queue: Rushing through Summer
Can you believe that we’re already so far into July?! It’s rude! Things need to slow down a bit and let us enjoy the weather.
Although it’s been pretty toasty out around here, so maybe it’s ok if we keep moving pretty quickly. Anything to get us closer to the best month, October. Things can slow down then!
While I try and invent a freeze ray, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: I don’t know how many games you think I play…
It’s my turn? Already? At this rate I’m never going to get to the end of my gaming to-do list. Never.
So let’s talk about video games instead of playing them, shall we? That’s a much shorter to-do list.
The Queue: Ambient Noise
Over time I’ve started really leaning in to ambient noise soundtracks while I’m working. I’ve done this for a long time, just keeping WoW open while I double check things, so I get all the little chimes from nearby lanterns, or the occasional jingling of horsetack in certain towns and cities. However, now it’s becoming a real necessity for–
Wait, what was I saying? Oh, right, I use the birds chirping soundtrack in Spirit City a lot, and Plant Daddy, also just those youtube videos intended for cats with ambient outdoor noise. Having something neutral like that really helps me focus, when I’m being asked by my kids for–
This is The Queue, the daily column where you ask us questions and we’ll give you goldfish crackers right after we get the kids some answers. No, wait. Other way. I think? Did you…? Okay, no, yeah, I’ll be with you in a second.
The Queue: Look at this whelp, splish-splashing his troubles away
Sometimes all you wanna do is think about cute whelps having fun, and perhaps even wish you were in their shoes. (Do dragons wear shoes? I don’t know; someone should ask that on the next Queue).
But you don’t always have access to a pool, or bathtub, or the ocean, so you might consider doing the second best thing instead: answering questions, and adding fun prompts and pictures to embellish some of them.
I’m in luck, for I can do that second thing. So let’s get to that!
The Queue: The air is melting
Seriously it is f… it is extremely hot out, and I am unhappy with it. It’s f… ridiculously hot. I’m poached, is what I’m saying. It’s like having Superman shoot you in the face with his Heat Vision, except less immediately fatal.
The Queue: Monday sneaks up on you
Somehow Monday has returned.
I swear that it was just Friday, but I blinked and now there’s no weekend left. Which is very rude if I do say so myself. Someday science will progress far enough that we can live a Monday-less existence, but until then we might all feel a little bit like Garfield once a week.
While I enjoy another cup of coffee, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Today’s Queue has a theme, and the theme is themes
And no, the theme isn’t murlocs. Probably. Maybe?
Well, Queue, let’s get right to it.