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The Queue

The Queue: A blast from the past

Since I’m currently so busy with end of the school year wrap ups and events and getting ready for summer activities, I’m taking this opportunity to go through my gmail inbox and finally get a handle on my unread emails. I’ve had the same gmail account since before WoW launched in 2004, so it’s been a weird little time capsule to explore, from flash-in-the-pan historical figures — do you guys remember Ken Bone? — to ghosts of BlizzCons past. I just deleted the email notification informing me that I was granted access to edit the Blizzard Watch Google+ page. Ah, memories.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions, and we give you the answers — no, we’re not going to discuss how many emails, because Liz might fire us in disgust.

The Queue: All about Mom

It was Mother’s Day yesterday, I hope you remembered to get Lillith something nice! After all, she is the mother to all of Sanctuary and doesn’t get the recognition that she deserves most of the time.

I was going to get her a nice box of chocolates, but then I thought up something much better — a brand new cloak made of the living skin from a trio of sacrifices! Just what every Mom deserves on their special day.

While I try and figure out if this cloak is dry clean only, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: Voidform travel is all the rage

Telogrus Rift has solved the issue of transportation among floating rocks perched at the edge of the Void by transforming your character into some sort of Void or Shadow creature. While it’s surely a creative solution, I can’t help but think doing it too often will result in extra shadowy appendages over time or a one-way trip into the neighboring abyss — and neither result seems ideal. Maybe Gryphons and Wyverns aren’t fond of all that black and purple?

That said, despite the clear and present danger to your character’s existence I do recommend partaking in the new patch 10.2.7 questline. It doesn’t take very long and you see the pieces of The War Within start to come together.

While I ponder whether an Earthen covered in tentacles would actually be a roper — no, not those ropers —  let’s answer some questions!

The Queue: Persuasive

I’m not saying that Xal’atath has everything figured out, I’m just saying that maybe they’ve got some good ideas and maybe we should give them a chance. I mean it’s not like the world is ending or anything, what’s the worst that could happen?

While I subscribe to their newsletter, it’s time for — The Queue!

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