BlizzCaps: Goodbye, cruel virtual world
"Our guild had just finished a Mythic Skyreach run when we started speculating about how far you could glide from the top platform," writes submitter Zylostout of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
Totem Talk: Fire, earth, ice and shocking revelations
OK, I'm sorry about that title, I just couldn't help myself.
Attending the Court of Stars: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
There's one final dungeon we haven't tackled on the Legion alpha, so this week the team will be making a trip back to the Broken Isles to check out the Court of Stars.
BlizzCaps: The ladykiller
Today's submitter writes, "Jadon of Campaign of Trials on Dalaran (US-A) took a moment on his last run through Black Temple to contemplate how utterly handsome he is.
Stormwind Park to (finally) be rebuilt, plus Legion spoilers
It is a question as old as anyone can remember.
Prepare your transmog collection for 7.0 with the Legion Wardrobe addon
It's safe to say that one of the most anticipated features coming with Legion is the Wardrobe -- the pet/mount-like collection system that will allow you to hold onto any item's appearance long after that item has been deleted.
Spectral Insight: Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunter Artifact talents
With the recent addition of Artifact Knowledge as a way to fill out multiple specs' Artifact trees, now seems like a great time to take a look at just what said trees have in store for both Demon Hunter specs come Legion.
BlizzCaps: The lights and towns below
"Sure, it's raining dragons sometimes, but Deepholm has some really pretty areas," writes submitter Starforge of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).
Legion: Gold cap raised to 9,999,999g
If there's one thing that's come from garrisons during Warlords of Draenor's long lifetime, it's gold.
BlizzCaps: The spiders from Mars
"Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) heard Orgrimmar had a bit of a spider problem," writes submitter Gimmlette.