Breakfast Topic: Do you level or boost your alts?
With the content drought in Warlords I've been on a tear building my alt army.
Latest Legion alpha build unveils six new specs
The Legion alpha is having some serious issues tonight, ranging from login problems to client crashes...
Totem Talk: Legion’s Restoration Shaman Artifact Scenario
Last time we talked, I gushed about our new class order hall.
BlizzCaps: I’d rather not be fishin’
Submitter Grignar of Nesingwary (US-A) writes, "While fishing for some enormous fire ammonite near Bladespire Citadel, I found a pool near the Butcher's Rise.
Upcoming Legion pet battle changes to Undead, Graves, and more
Some substantial pet battle changes are on the way in the upcoming Legion expansion.
We’re not sure we can call this tiny abomination “cute”
Can an abomination be cute?
BlizzCaps: One size, doesn’t fit anyone
Today's submitter writes, "As one of the founding members of the Society of Tauren for Equal Entryways Regardless of Size (STEER), Death Bull, AKA Escamillo on Argent Dawn (US-H), was more than a little dismayed recently when he was ordered to report to Orgrim's Hammer in Icecrown.
Zen Meditation: Windwalker Monk playstyle in Legion
First: a disclaimer.
Know Your Lore: King Thoradin of Arathor and Humanity’s origin
Humanity in the world of Azeroth is at once an old and young race.
BlizzCaps: Short and to the point
Submitter Ameliya of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "Our guildmaster, Gimmlette, is so hardcore about PVP that we have to open our strongboxes from the battlegrounds while impaled on a random chapel on Azeroth.