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Webcomic Wrapup: We believe in you

Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there? We’re rounding up the latest editions of your favorites here so you can catch up on the week all in one place. Do you have a favorite webcomic that focuses on WoW or any other Blizzard games? Tell us about it in the comments!

Know Your Lore: The differences in Draenor’s Warlords

You know, we spend a lot of time talking about the various Warlords of Draenor as they're presented in the latest expansion's version of history. Lords of War was supposedly Maraad's tales of these old warlords, but the stories were pretty specific. And in some cases -- like Kilrogg's vision of his death -- they seemed like a direct reference to the alternate version of Draenor's warlords, rather than our own.

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