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Dragonflight adds new Soft Target mode which lets you interact with targets at a glance

The latest alpha build for World of Warcraft's forthcoming expansion Dragonflight included a new feature coded as "Soft Targeting." An alternative to the standard tab target or click-to-interact that WoW players have been using for years, the soft target feature will automatically target an NPC or enemy within medium range that your camera is centered on -- you don't have to get right in their face, thankfully, but casters and hunters will find it hard to start combat from maximum range with this feature.

How do you feel about cosmic storylines in World of Warcraft?

I'm generally pretty down for storylines in my games that swing the focus as wide and cinematic as it can get. Legion, for example, was a story I really enjoyed -- the invasion of Azeroth by a vast, world-spanning host of demons which led to a showdown on a planet seething with fel corruption between a Pantheon of beings on the scale of gods and their fallen former champion, who sought to potentially destroy our whole world.

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