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The Queue: The most evil penguin

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

This week’s livestream was a little strange. And by “little strange” I mean that Mitch’s sudden emergence as a shadowy overlord of penguin doom was the least of our problems. But enough about that, let’s get to your questions, shall we?

BlizzCaps: The bear and the maiden fair

Submitter Ezri of Bladefist (US-A) writes, "I found out that with the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire, my hunter's bear dances with her, so I adapted 'Simon Smith and the Amazing Dancing Bear' by Randy Newman for my hunter and her bear: A Hunter and Her Amazing Dancing Bear I may go raid Hellfire if I acquire some flasks to share My hunter damage would add to the extra attacks of my dancing bear Ludicrous, amusing, gratuitous, confusing (more…)

The Queue: Behold!

The next time someone asks you why Blizzard doesn’t just do X, and tells you why it should be simple to do X, show them this screenshot. WoW is an intensely complicated game, with code that has been changed and edited and tweaked over the course of twelve years. You can make one change, and end up with that.

This is the Queue. Let’s talk Blizzard.

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