Search Results For: Artifact
Will the Old Gods’ plans finally be revealed in WoW patch 10.2?
The Old Gods have left their mark on Azeroth, and especially on the Dragonflights that make up the main narrative focus of Dragonflight, World of Warcraft's appropriately named Dragon-themed expansion.
How do you deal with a game that takes over your life?
I play a lot of video games.
How are you finding the Secrets of Azeroth event?
Last week the latest feature of Dragonflight went live: the Secrets of Azeroth.
What we know about the Secrets of Azeroth event, starting August 31
The upcoming event Secrets of Azeroth event starting August 31 has so many tones of globe hopping and clues for players to decipher as we unravel the mystery of who is committing a series of thefts, it feels like they missed a step by not calling it "Where in the World of Warcraft is Carmen Sandiego." All they really need to add is a kicking a capella theme song.
Who is Inarius, and what role does he play in Diablo 4?
Diablo 4 has been out for a while now.
What’s your favorite WoW expansion and why?
I ask myself often which World of Warcraft expansion is my favorite, because I don't know the answer.
What exactly is a Soulstone, and why do the Horadrim keep using them?
The Horadrim-- the order of mages dedicated to stopping demons from invading Sanctuary -- have many weapons to fight the forces of evil, but only one to stop them: the Soulstone.
Is Lilith the villain of Diablo 4?
Strictly speaking, the question, "is Lilith the villain of Diablo 4?" can be answered, "yes." Lilith is the villain because she's the being whose plans kick off the whole game.
Kobold Press begins playtesting Tales of the Valiant, a D&D 5E spinoff
Back in January when Wizards of the Coast backed off of Open Gaming License (OGL) updates to go with their new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, they also made a second decision that -- while popular -- hadn't seen as much fanfare as of yet: they released the current D&D rules as a System Reference Document, or SRD under a Creative Commons license.
Will Diablo be in Diablo 4? There’s no sign yet that the Lord of Terror makes an appearance, but he should
You would think a Diablo game would have to include the franchise's titular character, but Diablo 4, with its focus on Lilith and Inarius, could be different.