Search Results For: Burning Legion
What do previous expansions tell us about Legion’s future?
We're in that part of Legion's life cycle when we begin speculating on what's next, and more importantly, when we'll find out.
Do you like WoW’s Legion Assaults?
Legion Assaults started this week and, honestly, I've found them to be pretty lackluster.
Role Play: Plot points in Legion so far
Roleplaying over the course of an expansion can take a few different forms.
Legion and the iteration of design
One of the things that hits me every time I accidentally use my Garrison Hearthstone (or deliberately -- it's an easy way to get to the portals in Stormshield) is that my Garrison is basically my Order Hall, but a more primitive version of it.
Legion Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas liveblog
In just a few short minutes, another Legion Q&A will be kicking off on Twitch.
Role Play: Death Knight roleplay in Legion
We haven’t really heard much from the Knights of the Ebon Blade since the end of Wrath.
Role Play: Monk roleplay in Legion
Monks are a recent addition to World of Warcraft, making their debut in the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
Know Your Lore: What we don’t know yet about Legion
We're well into patch 7.1 and 7.1.5 will be coming soon, along with the Nighthold raid which will reveal the final fate of Illidan Stormrage.
Role Play: Warrior roleplay in Legion
Warriors aren't exactly one of the most convoluted classes on Azeroth.
Role Play: Mage roleplay in Legion
Mage roleplay has been ramping up over the past couple of expansions.