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Breakfast Topic

Breakfast Topic: Do you want a new Diablo 3 expansion?

Will they announce a new Diablo III expansion at gamescom, at PAX, or even at BlizzCon? Are they working on one? What will it be? Will it have a new class and if so, what should it be? (My argument on this week's podcast was that it should be some variation on the Diablo II druid.) But the more I think about a Diablo III expansion, the more I wonder if what we really, ultimately want, is Diablo IV or perhaps even something else entirely set in the Diablo universe.

Breakfast Topic: Expanding the WoW Token

I wrote a post about the WoW Token, and the comments had some interesting ideas. One of them was that we could expand what the token does - you could extend the token or make a new token for things like character transfers, race changes, faction transfers and so on. Allowing people to use their in-game gold more flexibly and allowing people to select the kind of services they spent their real life money to trade in, especially after the initial burst of token activity is over and most people that are going to do it have bought game time.

Breakfast Topic: Are leveling and endgame disconnected?

I'm not asking if leveling is too easy, I'm asking if it's too divorced from what we're expected to do at max level. One of the things that limits console RPG's from getting too much ability bloat is the limitation of the control interface, but MMO's like WoW pack on the abilities - even after the pretty significant trim that we saw in Warlords of Draenor a max level characters interface can have upwards of twenty regularly used buttons on it.

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