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Know Your Lore: The Future of the Draenei

One of the things I've loved this expansion is playing a draenei in it. Getting to see what Draenor looked like before the orcs committed genocide on the draenei has been awesome, and the draenei story in Shadowmoon Valley and Talador (including Auchindoun) was one of my favorite parts of any expansion. In fact, some of my disappointment with the game's max level content has been a lack of continuation of that very story. We got to see Yrel become an Exarch, and that I was happy about, but aside from that I've really felt like we've missed out. I wanted a raid where I helped the Sha'tar retake Shattrath, for example. I wanted to get to see what's going on up at Farahlon. I'm hopeful we'll still get to see this stuff, because for me all the quality story beats in Warlords of Draenor have been the draenei

Know Your Lore: The differences in Draenor’s Warlords

You know, we spend a lot of time talking about the various Warlords of Draenor as they're presented in the latest expansion's version of history. Lords of War was supposedly Maraad's tales of these old warlords, but the stories were pretty specific. And in some cases -- like Kilrogg's vision of his death -- they seemed like a direct reference to the alternate version of Draenor's warlords, rather than our own.

Know Your Lore: Why the Iron Horde?

One could argue that by the end of the events that play out in 6.0 and 6.1, the Iron Horde has been effectively shut down, backs against the wall, leaving them with no other apparent alternative than to turn to tactics they weren't originally going to use. But the one thing we haven't done is really look at the situation and ask ourselves -- why the Iron Horde to begin with?

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