Easter Egg
đź”’ Argus gives us plenty of Draenei lore Easter Eggs
Wowhead recently put together a collection of all the Draenei Easter Eggs found on Argus.
Bring Dog to Dalaran with a pebble
Remember, way back in the early days of Mists of Pandaria, before Garrosh went and mucked up the Vale?
Buy Darkspear Rebellion toys from Ravika before heading to the Broken Shore
Garrosh and Kerrigan make their appearance in Overwatch
Garrosh and Kerrigan, along with others from the Blizzard universe, can be seen hanging out inside the arcade game Fighters of the Storm 2 in the Overwatch map Hanamura.
Ghostcrawler’s famous Paladin joke lives on in game
Ghostcrawler apparently left us quite a clever Easter Egg in game before he exited Blizzard, though it took 3 years before anyone found it.
You got your Duck Hunt in my Heroes of the Storm
Are you spending all your time playing Heroes of the Storm lately?