Who’s your favorite Follower?
One of the things I really like about the Broken Shore is that it introduced new followers.
Breakfast Topic: I don’t care about followers anymore
We do a weekly leveling stream here, which I encourage you to watch because it's a heady mix of cynicism, snark, affection, and Mitch.
Breakfast Topic: Gold poor
I am simply terrible at making gold in WoW.
Class halls help gain secondary artifacts and more
While everyone else on Legion alpha was retaining their most progressed leveling characters for more raid testing, I rerolled my Warlocks to level again.
Legion Alpha: First look at Class Order Hall Missions
In the Legion alpha, we will still have a few scrappy individuals following us around.
World of Warcraft and minigame micromanagement
I'm on record, when we saw the introduction of pet battles, as saying 'Well, this isn't content I care about, but it's good for people who like it' because pet battles are utterly optional. The various rewards you get for pet battles only affect the pet battle minigame itself - stones and other rewards that affect the pets and how they level. There's never a reason to play pet battles if you don't enjoy the gameplay - you're never forced to do it, nor do you even feel forced to. I can say this having utterly ignored pet battles since their introduction.
The Queue: Mood lighting
Prior to the addition of the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera, I rather like the eternal twilight of Shadowmoon Valley. Now? Now I wish I had better lighting for all the use I’m getting out of WoWstagram.