Legion Classes
Locked and Loaded: Hunter Artifact weapons allow you to dual wield pets and more
Artifact weapons are, without a doubt, my most anticipated feature in Legion.
Blood Pact: Affliction’s Legion Artifact and Warlock class hall
I've learned from Kanrethad and tried to pick the least spoilery header image I could find; this is it.
Locked and Loaded: First impressions of the melee Survival Hunter
The new melee Survival Hunter spec is now playable in the Legion alpha test, with Beast Mastery and Marksmanship to follow sometime in the future.
Breakfast Topic: Will you change your spec for Legion?
Outlaw got me.
Legion Artifact weapons for all classes
Curious about your class artifact weapons?
Locked and Loaded: The Survival Hunter fantasy – What is it?
I was recently perusing the old Hunter talent trees and was pretty taken aback by how much flavor the specs have lost over the years.
Jonathan LeCraft talks class overhauls, new transmog system at DragonCon
Well, in case you don't know, it's DragonCon weekend, and there's a World of Warcraft panel going on.