Omnic Crisis
Who is Tracer from Overwatch? The lore behind one of the game’s most well-known characters
You may have seen her show up as a cosplay.
Echo is Overwatch’s newest playable hero
Apparently everyone else saw this coming and I'm the only person left to surprise, but people like me we can all be surprised together as Blizzard announces Overwatch playable hero #32 -- it's our friend Echo.
What I, your friend who is terrible at Overwatch, want to see in Overwatch 2
Okay, I love Overwatch -- I love the setting, the characters, the lore, and the hints at a deeper, broader story just percolating beneath the surface.
Know Your Lore: Moira O’Deorain and Overwatch’s continuing mysteries
Is there such a thing as going too far in the pursuit of science?
New Overwatch Zarya comic: Searching offers major reveals and a lot of questions
A new Overwatch comic is now available, and it's one that fans have been waiting for.
Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat Edition: The fall of Overwatch
Who benefits from a global disaster?
Know Your Lore: Global conspiracies and the Omnic Crisis
From the beginning, Overwatch has always appeared to have a fairly straightforward story.
Overwatch and the mystery of Sombra
Blizzard fans are a persistent sort, especially when we come across unsolved mysteries -- for years in vanilla, people tried to unravel the mysteries of Ashbringer entirely of their own accord, simply due to a few hints placed in game.
Know Your Lore: The next generation of Overwatch
We've spent several weeks talking about the history of the Overwatch organization -- everything that's gone before, from the Omnic Crisis to the infighting that led to the downfall of Overwatch itself to the global fallout from the Omnic Crisis that continues to affect the world.
Overwatch veterans: Reinhardt, Torbjörn and Mercy origins
When Overwatch was first created to combat the Omnic Crisis, the general consensus was that only the best of the best would do for the team.