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The Queue: Let’s talk about the Scourge

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I can’t seem to escape Sylvanas, the Forsaken, Bolvar or the Scourge lately — they all keep popping up in various conversations with various people. And for some reason we ended up with a couple of Scourge-related questions yesterday on top of it all! But hey, it’s fascinating lore, so I’m not going to object to all the chatter, weird coincidence or no. Let’s answer some questions, shall we?

The Queue: I will never stop loving Karazhan

I absolutely adore Karazhan. I have run it hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, both in at-level groups and at higher levels. (Memorably, I recall trying to do the raid with a group of three Paladins during Wrath of the Lich King. We started around 2am and I don’t think we’d figured out how to get past the chess event by 5am.)

The art and atmosphere are great. The music is great. The boss encounters are fun, and some have a great sense of humor (like Opera) while others have been given a sense of humor by the players (like Shade of Aran). In part, I just like the place, which feels like nothing else in World of Warcraft, and in part I have lots of great memories of running it with friends during Burning Crusade. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing it return in Legion, but we’ll talk about that more in today’s Q&A, below.

The Queue: I’m back

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

This is my first Queue since I flew out to BlizzCon. I hope my question-answerin’ fingers haven’t picked up any rust.

The Queue: Stag party

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Due to the sudden glut of post-BlizzCon news, we didn’t really get to do the leveling stream this week. I logged in just to make sure my character didn’t have any mail sitting around waiting to be picked up, and that’s when I remembered I have this new deer I tamed somewhere in Dragonblight. He’s cool. We’re just, you know, hanging out until Thursday. But for now, I guess we’ll stick to answering some questions!

The Queue: Pirates of Penzance (and everywhere else) edition

I am pretty excited about Outlaw Rogues. Just how excited am I? I’ve already started annoying my guild with Pirates of Penzance.

Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But I’ll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King Queen.

And now it’s time to move on before we get too far into my affection for operetta. Another day has dawned over the Queue, which means it’s time for your questions and our answers — and I promise they’re not all about pirates.

The Queue: Winston is the best

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Okay so I realize we just had three new Overwatch heroes introduced at BlizzCon, and while I played a little with Mei last night and she was pretty cool, Winston is still the best. Because he is. Ice walls are cool and all, but there is nothing like getting super angry and punching someone off a building, Warner Bros. style.

The Queue: Back to normal (ish)

Team Blizzard Watch has returned from the wilds of Southern California, which means we’re back on a regular (ish) Queue schedule. And by “regular (ish)” I mean that Rossi is finally getting some days off from Queue duty. Unfortunately, that means you’re stuck with me today and tomorrow.

That said, let’s get on to today’s Q&A session!

The Queue: I highly recommend road trips

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Road trips are fun, even if I didn’t have an Alex Ziebart with me this time around. Solo road trips are fun because you can bring your own music and totally rock out and sing as loudly and horribly as you’d like. And the scenery is great. If you’ve never gone on a road trip anywhere, take a weekend and just go drive. You never know what you’ll see on the way! Now that I’m finally home and at my own computer again, let’s see about answering some questions, shall we?

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