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The Queue: Still alive

Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!

So the other really cool part of the VGL concert I attended was the very last encore, which brought every special guest composer to the stage for a singalong of Still Alive. With everyone in the audience participating. They flashed the lyrics on the screens for us, just in case, but I don’t think there was anyone attending that really needed them. If you have a chance to catch Video Games Live in your area or somewhere nearby, go do it — it’s an experience that really shouldn’t be missed.

The Queue: Conducting the elements

Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!

So while the rest of you were busy devouring Legion‘s announcement, I was off at Red Rocks for Video Games Live. I’m pretty sure one of the highlights of the whole experience was when Russell Brower took the stage to conduct a Warlords piece, and the wind kicked in precisely when the orchestra struck up the first few notes. Seeing a concert in an outdoor amphitheater like Red Rocks was amazing enough, but to hear that track, surrounded by giant rock walls on either side while the wind swirled around us all and nearly took the sheet music off the stands was downright eerie. It was like we were on Draenor. I still have goosebumps! And we have so many questions, so let’s get to those!

The Queue: No sleep ’til BlizzCon

Conventions like Gamescom make for long days and lots of writing on very little sleep — this post is no different. Plus, by the time you see these words, we’ll know what the next WoW expansion is, so you’ll probably want to catch up on that — and then come back here with your questions and discussions for the Queue.

So let’s get on with today’s somewhat-sillier-than-usual questions, which may all be obsolete by the time the announcement’s over.

The Queue: Giant metal angry painbot

Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!

I never actually realized that Fel Reavers have faces. They have teeth. Where did they get the teeth from? What were they before they were giant mental angry painbots? Were they living creatures at some point? I mean, Fel Reavers are creepy enough with that whole being able to just sneak up on you and everything, but they have teeth, man. Teeth.

The Queue: Should we tell them?

Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!

For some reason, the forces stationed in Outland are studying maps of Southshore. Or at least it really looks like Southshore. Uh … so do we tell them about that whole cataclysm thing, or do we just let them be, at this point? Also, why are they interested in Southshore at all? I mean, it wasn’t exactly a tactical powerhouse or anything before it was … you know, goo central.

The Queue: Chad

Welcome back to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered!

One of these days, Chad and I will save the whole world. We’ll save all of Outland and we’ll make it really cool again. Or at least that’s what Chad tells me. I think Chad might be overestimating our importance just a little here. I was kind of bummed that last week’s livestream had so many difficulties that we had to call it, but hey, there’s always next week, right? For now, let’s answer some questions.

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